Information about hair transplant


Hair transplantation is a non-surgical process through which hair follicles are transferred from the donor area; i.e. the back of the scalp, to the receiving area; Any areas affected by baldness

Turkey is one of the first countries in the world to offer this type of operation on a large scale, with advanced technologies and reliable results. More than 2 million tourists do hair transplantation in Turkey each year with the aim of medical tourism, due to modern technologies

The problem of baldness bothers many men (and women), as some lose their hair due to genetic and psychological factors, which makes much resort to hair transplantation, as hair transplantation operations now represent one of the effective solutions and the latest medical technology in the field of plastic surgery and hair transplantation. On the world stage, two surgical techniques are the most modern

  1. FUE technique
  2. (DHI) technique
  3. Mega DHI technique

Hair transplant operations are generally painless procedures and done using local anesthesia

However, in the process of hair transplantation, there’s sedation, which is done before local anesthesia. So you do not feel any pain when undergoing hair transplantation.

Everyone is able to do a hair transplant operation.

The medical team takes care of all the necessary tests and diagnoses the condition before the operation to ensure that the expected results are obtained without any problems.

General and then local anesthesia is applied by the hands of a specialized anesthesia expert.

Some people wonder if hair transplants cause pain

In fact, you may feel pain in your scalp after the operation, that is, after the operation, and this pain can be controlled by taking pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling.

It’s preferred to commit to antibiotics to prevent any infection after the hair transplant

You can return to normal life immediately after the operation. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies

The treatment period does not last more than 4 days maximum

The period to see the final result may range from 6 months to a year, depending on the patient’s health condition and the extent of following the instructions of care taken post-operative.

In detail…..

There are several reasons for the appearance of baldness:

  • DNA
  • Diets
  • Psychological factors and stress
  • A disease that causes hair loss
  • Hormonal imbalance causing hormonal imbalance
  • Some medicines have side effects, including hair loss

Stages of the hair transplant process

The first stage: The density of the donor area is determined, the area to be transplanted, the number of follicles to be extracted, and the forehead line drawn.

The second stage: the patient performs the necessary examinations and tests, which are blood tests and some skin tests.

FUE Third stage: At this stage, the entire hair is shaved, in the case of transplantation with the FUE technique

but in the case of using ROBOT or DHI technology,

Only the donor area is shaved, in order to facilitate the process of picking out the follicles, then the patient is anesthetized with local anesthesia.

Fourth stage: At this stage, the doctor extracts the follicles from the donor area through the Micro Motor Device

and placed in a saline solution, called Hypothermosol

In order to preserve the follicles for as long as possible outside the body

FUE Stage Five: This is the stage of hair transplantation, in case of reliance on the FUE technique

The channels are opened, then the extracted follicles are transplanted into those channels, using medical forceps

and in the case of reliance on the DHI technique

the follicles are placed in DHI Choi pens, With one click, the channels are opened and the follicles are transplanted at the same time

Techniques used in hair transplantation

There are several main techniques used in hair transplantation

(FUE) Technique

With this technology, the follicles are extracted from the donor area through the extraction device (Micro Motor)

Where’s approximately (4000) follicles to be implanted in the receiving area by opening small channels in the balding areas using precise medical forceps. Hair transplantation takes (6-8) hours to be done

(DHI) Technology

through which the doctor opens channels in the bald areas to be treated through Choi pens, and then transplants the extracted follicles with one click, at the same time

the number of follicles that are transplanted is (3500), and the process takes about (6-8) hours.

(Mega DHI) Technology

It is carried out over two sessions on two consecutive days, also using Choi pens, but in this case a maximum of (7000) follicles are transplanted, giving the hair density and attractiveness.

The transplanted follicles begin to grow fifteen days after the operation

the transplanted hair falls out  almost completely within 15 to 20 days after the operation, but what falls is the outer visible part of the hair, meaning that the transplanted follicles remain in the skin, but they are in the resting phase of the hair life cycle, through which these follicles are completely fixed in the skin of the scalp.

Hair begins to grow again, about two months after the procedure

The average period of transplanted hair growth ranges between two to three months, but this definitely varies according to people.

Is hair transplantation painful?

In fact, you may feel pain in your scalp after the operation, that is, after the operation, and this pain can be controlled by taking pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling.

It’s preferred to commit to antibiotics to prevent any infection after the hair transplant

You can return to normal life immediately after the operation. and can return to work after several days of Hair transplant treatment.

Complications after hair transplant operation

The side effects after hair transplant operations are minor and do not last more than weeks and may include

The appearance of a crust in the place of the transplanted hair

Loss of transplanted hair (temporarily)

Unnatural appearance of hair

But knowing that after hair transplant operations in general, this hair falls out.

It gives room for new hair growth and new hair appears between 8 to 12 months.

The plastic surgeon prescribes to the patient, after the treatment of hair transplant sessions, a medicine that helps in hair growth and contributes to stopping future hair loss.

Patients’ impressions after hair transplantation

Patients’ impressions differed after the hair transplant process, some of them noticed the growth of new thick hair, and some of them noticed the growth of new hair that is less dense than others. This difference is due to the extent of sagging skin of the scalp and the density of the follicles in the transplanted area when treating the hair and according to the type of hair and hair curls.

For these reasons, before starting hair transplantation, the patient can discuss with the plastic surgeon the expected results before the operation and the expected developments after the hair transplant.

Hair transplant operations are a permanent treatment for baldness cases, which are performed with minimal surgical intervention, and men and women with different types of hair can benefit from hair transplant operations.

Tips after hair transplant

There are a set of tips after hair transplantation that should be followed

  • Avoid as much as possible bending the head forward, and keep a parallel line between the chin and the ground, for a period of three days, to avoid swelling in the areas of the forehead and around the eyes.
  • Never wash hair before 72 hours after the procedure
  • Make sure to sleep almost vertically, relying on two pillows to raise the head, to avoid swelling, for a period of five days
  • Refrain from swimming in sea water for three months, and abstain from swimming in the pool for two months
  • Stay away from sunlight, heat and high humidity, for at least a month, and when you go out, you must wear a medical hat
  • Pay attention to the way you take off and wear clothes, by not pressing directly on the scalp
  • Make sure to use medical shampoo while washing hair, and do not rely on chemical shampoos
  • Continuing to take the necessary treatments and medications prescribed by the doctor, which help heal wounds quickly and increase hair follicle growth.
  • Avoid standing directly in the rain or dust, so as not to cause harm to the transplanted follicles
  • Avoid intercourse (marital relationship) for a week

The best countries for hair transplant operations

The percentage of success of Hair transplantation in Turkey is one of the highest in the world, as it uses the most advanced techniques in hair transplantation

 Hair follicles are transplanted in one session

Does not leave any marks or require any stitches

Although there are many techniques in the process of hair transplantation in Turkey, all techniques share basic principles

 Harvesting hair follicles

 make incisions

 Hair follicle transplantation

treatment duration3 days
operation duration6 – 10 hours
anesthesialocal anesthesia
healing time7 – 10 days
who can undergo itAnyone over the age of 18 who does not have health problems can do this.
is it dangerous?no
hair follicles numberbetween 3000 to 6000 according to the person

Laser Hair transplantation in Turkey

Cold laser is used after hair transplantation, and its aim is to speed up the recovery time, reduce side effects and promote faster hair growth. This technique also contributes to maintaining the results that have been reached. It was also noted by those who used cold laser after hair transplantation in Turkey that it slowed down Or stop hair loss