What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is a simple and completely safe surgical procedure, aimed at obtaining a flat, firm and taut abdomen, free from sagging and fatty lumps.

The doctor works to tighten the muscle wall and get rid of sagging, wrinkles and skin tags, by removing the accumulated fat in the abdomen and waist areas and their surroundings.

The doctor follows one of the two procedures to obtain a tight and consistent texture for the entire abdominal area, according to the amount of fat to be disposed of and the amount of excess skin, which are:

partial tummy tuck

The procedure is considered the most appropriate for those who suffer from a few fatty lumps, or who suffer from skin growths and sagging in the lower part of the abdomen only, i.e. below the navel area.

total tummy tuck

Which is what the doctor depends on to remove the large and hardened fatty lumps in the entire abdominal area, here the doctor intends to get rid of these lumps in the entire abdominal area.