Waist and abdomen sculpting

Waist and abdomen sculpting coins come at the forefront of these plastic surgeries, and the methods and methods used for this procedure vary

What is the cost of dental implants in Turkey

Cosmetic and dental implant centers in Turkey also provide competitive prices compared to the rest of the world

Threads Facelift in Turkey

With the spread of plastic surgeries in Turkey, many people today are turning to cosmetic applications far from surgical procedures. One of these techniques used today is threads.

Laser teeth whitening is a new and fast technology

A beautiful, spotless smile plays an important role in self-confidence, and therefore cosmetic dentistry occupies a prominent position in the cosmetic world as it guarantees a beautiful smile during one procedure.

Otoplasty in Turkey

One of the most common ear problems that require cosmetic surgery is what is known as the prominent ear or bat ear

Methods and advantages of body sculpting in Turkey

The agility of the body and its harmonious and attractive shape is a goal for many people, especially those who suffer from asymmetric body shape

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